
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Free writing 1

Once upon a time there lived a princess and a prince newly wedded and on there way to an adventure they never expected they would have. For a marriage present they received a beautiful castle to start their lives out on a condition that they must give birth to their first grandson within 3 years time. They tried for months doing everything possible including spells and ointments, they didn't work and they were getting worried.

By now the royal couple had allot of stress and frustration between them. The Prince couldn't understand why she wasn't getting pregnant an the Princess was asking herself why she wasn't  pregnant either.The sex was not the best either, for some reason, the princess wasn't enjoying the sex anymore the love was fading and the hopeless was getting stronger by the day.  One day the prince was notified by a messenger  to report for duty to serve his country, it was mandatory. It was assignment that will leave the princess alone for 6 months at least. The princess was heart broken but knew it was the right thing to do. The loving feelings bloomed at that point and they made love like they did on their honeymoon.

Hopeless and lonely the Princess waived her prince goodbye. She thought she is going to leave the castle soon if I don't get pregnant soon. She got extremely lonely after a few days of making herself busy, and wondered off to her local pub. She had a few drinks reuniting with some of her pals from grammar school. One in particular walked her back home and saw that she got to bed. Finding out that her husband was gone for a few more months he decided to offer his kind held and company until he came back, luckily this particular guy was good friend with her husband , which made everything okay. So for two months he kept her company and helped with the house work despite of making a move on her. Suddenly he left and didn't show up again , not knowing why the princess was more relived then concerned because she wanted her prince not some townsman. It was fun company she thought but nothing more.

The week before her husband supposed to arrive the princess started getting really sick throwing up constantly and having larger appetites. She didn't know what was wrong and sent for the queen and doctor to check on her. To her surprise she found out she was pregnant, Good news for all! Very shortly there after, her husband the prince arrived and was kindly greeted by ha whole family announcing the addition his wife's petite stomach.

who's baby is it really?
Who was that guy?
Could it have her guardian angel?
Could the pregnancy be a miracle?

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