
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Signs of Bad Parenting 91

By Anamika S

Have we not heard that Bad Kids come from Bad Parents? There are several signs of bad parenting. The actions of the Parents speak more in front of the children than just the words. As the first teachers of a child Parents are the first influence in the life of the child and the attitude, views, goals, perspective on life etc of the child depends to a larger extent on what he learns from parents. What a child learns in the initial years are known to have a lasting impression on the mind of the child which is why good parenting is an absolute necessity.

Is Bad Parenting damaging your Child? Whenever a child commits a mistake or lack mannerisms it is noticed that the blame is mostly put on the parents. What are the signs of bad parenting? What are the effects of Bad Parenting on children? How to be a perfect and good parent? These are some questions many parents and non parents want an answer to. I am trying to answer these Questions through my Hub. Feel free to give your inputs by way of comments. Given below are some Bad Parenting Signs and effects it can have on children.

Signs and Effects of Bad Parenting
Source: Flickr

The first thing a Parent or prospective parent should realize is that you cannot be a perfect parent in all aspects. As human beings we are prone to make mistakes but one has to learn from the mistakes and correct them and not let it affect the children. Managing the tantrums, mistakes and mischievousness wisely can help in making your child a complete citizen. Though it may not be easy to be a perfect parent at least you can try as much as possible to be a good parent. No two children are alike and the life of being a parent is a constant learning process.

Many of us (including me) have suffered from the effects of Bad Parenting. As for me, I had a neglected childhood where I was forced to stay away from parents and also suffered from favoritism. I am sure that there are many who have suffered like me and more as a child. But it is up to you to whether you want to take it negatively or make it positive. What I suffered made me a much stronger person and promise myself to be a better parent and never let my children suffer the way I did. Given below are some Effects and Signs of Bad Parenting.

How to be a Good Parent?

The best way to be a Good Parent is by avoiding the signs of bad parenting. Given below are 8 Signs of Bad Parenting.

1. Avoiding and Neglecting your Child: Neglecting the child physically or emotionally can affect the child in a negative manner. Child neglect is a very common type of child abuse. Child abuse is more than physical abuse. Ignoring the needs of children, putting them in unsupervised or in dangerous situations, making the child feel worthless etc can affect the child and leads to the child feeling very low of themselves and may lead to loneliness in them. Many times this can affect the mental health or social development of the child and may even leave lifelong psychological scars. A child needs to feel loved and cherished.

2. Physical and Verbal Abuse: Exposing the child to physical violence or verbal abuse can be very damaging to a child’s psychology. Most children are victims of verbal abuse from their parents. Many Parents are seen venting out their frustrations at their children without realizing what sort of psychological damage they are inflicting on the child. Such acts can also lead the child in losing confidence and developing inferiority complex. Punishment is required when a child does something wrong but when they are extensively punished for even small matters it may lead to them being rebellious. A child requires physical contact with the parent like hugs, kisses or other signs of affection. If you are yelling at your child, calling names or telling that he or she is no good, you are passing the wrong message to the child.

3. Encouraging Bad Behavior in Children and not Disciplining: There are many parents who do nothing to discourage the bad behavior or wrong mannerisms of their kids and keep a blind eye on their behavior. As the saying goes, what you sow is what you reap. If you are someone who shout or use bad words in front of children it is only natural that the child would also follow the footsteps. Perhaps that may be the reason why children of drunkards or smokers find nothing wrong in the habit and may start drinking or smoking at a very small age. The parents are also in no position to stop them as they themselves are in the habit of smoking or drinking. Fighting or indulging in physical or verbal abuse in front of the child also is not a sign of a good parent. It is very important for a parent to be a good example for the child to follow.

4. Favoritism or Partiality: Favoritism or Partiality can be very damaging to the child as well. In many households boys get a preferential treatment making the girl child feel useless or neglected. Be it education, food or essential requirements girls are often known to suffer starting from their own homes. Many parents even have the habit of complaining to others about their own children. Many have the habit of grumbling or complaining about anything or everything in front of others than dealing with the problem. Parents who are overly criticizing and comparing their children with other children are also only causing damage to their own children.

5. Forcing choices on Children: It is very true that a Parent knows what is best for his or her child. But many times the parents are seen forcing their choices on children without considering the interests, intelligence level or capacity of the child. Many parents are very demanding and look at achieving their own unfulfilled dreams and ambitions through their children. But when the child could not mark up to the expectations of the parent it can be very de-motivating and disappointing to the child. A child requires encouragement and motivation from parents and demoralizing and de-motivating them can affect them adversely.

6. Not being wise with Money: Many parents are not very wise with the money as far as children are concerned. While some cater to every whim and fancy of the child, others are excessively stingy with money which may result in the child developing the habit of stealing to fulfill their needs. At the same time, those children whose every need is fulfilled may fail to realize the real value of money and may indulge in bad habits. So maintaining a balance is very important.

7. Too much Pampering or Interfering: Like negligence too much pampering or worrying about children also can spoil the child by making them too demanding. Many parents protect their children and interfere in their activities in such a manner that when they grow up they become overly dependent on others or grow up as cowards.

8. Not trusting the child: Many parents believe in others more than believing in their own children. Many times they do not even allow the child to give an explanation. Many parents have no faith in their children and de-motivate them with their words or actions. This sort of behavior can cause a child to be a rebel or do things which they are not supposed to do.

In short, there are several signs and effects of Bad Parenting. Many kids lose self-esteem or develop bad habits or feel inhibited for the rest of their lives. Parenting is a continuous job and the children rely on parents for the same. So make it a point to take time out for children, teach them the correct mannerisms and correct them when they do wrong. When parents neglect the set rules and boundaries for children it is only natural for the kids to become brats or display unacceptable behavior. So it is your choice if you want to be a good and positive role model for the child or be a bad parent.

I think I have covered all the major signs of bad parenting. Have I left anything? Feel free to add them by way of comments.

Happy Parenting!

6 Signs of Bad Parenting

Parenting Mistakes

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