
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My Natal Chart Report of Astrology

Natal Chart Report\

Natal Chart Report


What follows is your personal natal chart information, as well as interpretations of the positions and aspects in your chart.
With this report, you will find out the positions of the planets in your natal chart by sign. The most personal of these are the Sun sign, Moon sign, Mercury sign, Venus sign, and Mars sign. Most people already know their Sun sign. If your time of birth is known, you will also find out your Ascendant, or rising sign, as well as the positions of the planets in the houses of your chart. Aspects between the planets are also listed and interpreted.
Each paragraph of interpretation refers to an individual position in your chart. All of these positions and aspects are some of the "parts" that make up a "whole"--you! Some of these interpretations will be contradictory, just as people are contradictory. A person can be downright timid in love, and that same person can be aggressive in business. Not only that, we evolve and grow throughout our lives, facing challenges that help us to handle our positions and aspects in a different way. We all have choices, and one of the largest benefits of astrology is the ability to understand ourselves better so that we can work with our natal charts rather than against them. Any computerized report that interprets the individual placements in a natal chart is somewhat disjointed, simply because the different parts that make up the whole are not synthesized.
Some of the interpretations that follow are detailed, while others are brief. You can do some further reading about different positions (such as Moon in Libra, Saturn in the 10th house, Moon conjunct Mercury) in your chart by exploring our own site, other astrology sites, and by reading astrology books.
The tables here show the technical details of your natal chart, personalized based on your birth data. Below the tables is your free birth chart report.

Alissa Sex F
Van Nuys, CA 6 United States 09/15/1982 05:00 - Julian day 2445228.00
Adjust 7.00 ST 3.43 Lat 34.11 Long 118.27

Planet Positions, Ascendant, & Houses

The following table shows the position of the planets in your chart, by sign and degree. On the right, you will find the sign of your Ascendant and the signs on the cusp of each house in your natal chart. The Roman Numerals refer to the houses, where the Ascendant is also the first house and the Midheaven is also the tenth house. For example, if the sign Taurus is next to Mars, you know your Mars is in Taurus. If the sign Libra is next to Venus, you know your Venus is in Libra. If Cancer is next to Ascendant, you have a Cancer Ascendant, and if Leo is next to II, Leo is on your 2nd house.

Zodiac in degrees 0.00Placidus Orb:0
Asc nodeCancer10.20XIILeo2.41


The following table shows the planetary aspects in your natal chart. Short interpretations are found below.


Asteroids & Chiron

The following table shows the positions of the four major asteroids and Chiron. These points are not as commonly used by astrologers, but are presented here for those interested in knowing where the asteroids are positioned in their birth chart.
ChironTaurus27.55 R
VestaAquarius15.13 R
South nodeAries0.00

Natal Chart Report

Birth Chart

This birth chart report shows the positions of the planets for Alissa .

The Sun represents vitality, a sense of individuality and outward-shining creative energy.

Sun in Virgo

It is rare to find the stereotypical nitpicky, exacting, "clean freak" in modern-day Virgos. Although the sign of Virgo has evolved with the times, there are some unmistakable traits that remain. Virgo people are generally respectable, hard-working individuals who have a love of knowledge and know-how.

Virgo's symbol, the Virgin, shows itself in the lives of Virgos through a love of all that is "natural" and a certain purity of spirit that keeps Virgos self-sufficient and self-contained, at least on the surface. Virgos are sensitive to their surroundings, and they tend to embarrass easily. They are generally reticent when faced with anything or anyone new. However, once they feel comfortable, they can talk up a storm. Many Virgo Suns are not too comfortable in the limelight. These types are just fine living in the background, as long as they feel useful and appreciated. Solar Virgos have a strong sense of responsibility. Even when they've convinced themselves to be irresponsible about something or the other, they worry about it.

Not all Virgos are workaholics. However, when Solar Virgos are not involved in some kind of project, there is generally a vague feeling of discontent. Even when their lives are filled up with work, they are restless and somewhat nervous creatures. The fear of under-performing is often strong. Virgos want to do things well. Some are exacting and thorough, and those Virgos who have convinced themselves to do a less-than-perfect job will generally feel incomplete. There's an odd combination of the intellectual and the practical in Virgo that is sometimes mistaken for coolness. In fact, Virgos are often self-effacing and shy. They'll brush off your compliments quickly and, sometimes, critically; but don't let that fool you. They need your respect and appreciation. In fact, the happiest Virgos are the ones who feel appreciated and useful. Add plenty of worthwhile projects to keep them busy, and Virgos can be some of the sweetest, kindest people around.

Keywords: analytical, intelligent, reserved, critical, helpful, conscientious.

Virgo ascendant Virgo

Sun in I

You identify strongly with the image you present to others. You make an impression on others -- you have "presence" -- and you know it. You are self-conscious, although you may prefer to project a strong image. You will feel at your best when you make a mark on the world, but avoid obsessing over what others think of you. Accept that you need to be a leader or an innovator, and go for it, but be careful not to be overbearing with others. Forceful personality. Her desire for self-development leads to success and this is reflected in her career.

-80 Square Sun - Neptune

You have a desire to be something special or to experience something more than the ordinary. You are a day-dreamer and idealist. It is easy for you to trust others, even (and perhaps especially) people who might seem from the outside looking in as unsavory types. You are looking to identify with something beyond what is normally expected of people. You may have had a childhood that didn't help you direct or define your life. Perhaps the early family life was lacking in supervision or clearly defined rules. A father figure may have been absent or distant and ineffective. You may have a glorified image of your father. Whether the image is very positive or very negative (or if it swings between these extremes), the image is not very clear or rational. Whatever the case may be, you struggle with defining who you are. You might gravitate towards the "wrong people", or get in with the "wrong crowd" in an attempt to define who you are. You might be susceptible to being taken advantage of by others, especially by men or authority figures. You may be easily led astray by peculiar desires or self-destructive habits. In order to add a greater-than-ordinary dimension of experience to your life that helps you to feel special and important, you might be attracted to Neptune-ruled behaviors, such as secret affairs, drugs, or other escapist behaviors. In some way, you may feel a strong urge to glamorize your role in the world. There can be some confusion about the past (such as remembering childhood experiences in ways that are far removed from reality), and a tendency to daydream about being someone more "important" than you feel you are. You may struggle with early conditioning that made you feel tossed aside or neglected in some way, and certainly not directed or supported. You are very sensitive, especially with regards to any real or imagined blows to your ego. If the natal chart shows a strong sense of reality and a robust mind (Mercury and Saturn well-placed, for example), the negative interpretations of this aspect are less extreme. Still, you are likely to recognize at some point in your life that you have a tendency to engage in escapist and self-destructive fantasies and/or habits. It is useful to be able to connect these behaviors with their probable source, which is likely to be a weakly-defined ego and identity in childhood.

30 Trine Sun - Midheaven

She knows what she wants on the professional level, is aware of her objectives and does everything to achieve them, she will carry out plans to the very end. She has a good job as well as a good reputation.

The Moon represents the emotional responses, unconscious pre-destination, and the self-image.

Moon in Leo

Depending on other positions in the chart, Moon in Leo people are not necessarily outgoing. When they feel comfortable, they do like being the center of attention. That is, they like being in the "spotlight" in the comfort of their own homes and with family and friends. They enjoy entertaining others, and often take on the role of comic. Lunar Leos often feel a need to organize, and even control, their families and friends. They have an inner mission to set things right, and generally like to oversee the goings-on in their little circle.

This is a rather creative position of the Moon. At the very least, Moon in Leo people want to create and entertain. They can be rather lazy at times, and a little bossy too. Generally, though, they have a deep need to treat others fairly and justly. Lunar Leos require lots and lots of love and care in order to function well in the world. When they feel slighted, these people can be dramatic in their emotional displays. When their pride has been hurt, they are given to big scenes and sulking. This rarely happens in public, however. Lunar Leos are far too concerned about their image to make splashy scenes outside the comfort of their own homes. In public, they prefer to take things in dignified ways. At home, however, they're given to big displays of emotional drama. These scenes generally don't last too long, however. Lunar Leos are often personally popular folk who are valued for their integrity and strong sense of justice. Generally, it is easy to reason with a Lunar Lion. Appealing to their well-developed sense of fairness usually works well.

Short description:

She is brave and knows how to take risks, has the courage of her convictions, is honest , imposing and sharp. She has a great sense of, and respect for, justice. Organizational sense. Selectivity in friends, but is not overly influenced by them. Taste for splendor.

Weaknesses: changing and numerous affections. Emotionally demanding and proud. Brooding when attention is not forthcoming.

Moon in XII

Curious and inquisitive nature, although more of an observer than a person who asks many questions. She likes peace and quiet, being alone.

This position of the Moon indicates an emotional attachment and sensitivity to all that is ethereal, groundless, and eternal. As sensitive as you are, you often have delayed reactions to your own emotional experiences. You need frequent moments of solitude in order to recharge yourself emotionally, and this need, while strong, can also lead to feelings of isolation and of being misunderstood. While you are a perceptive person, you are often either flooded with emotions that are hard to define, or completely out of touch with what you are feeling. Either extreme keeps you from truly discovering your emotional needs. Negative expressions of this position are avoidance of responsibility, using hypersensitivity as an excuse to oneself (and perhaps to others) for not participating, or emotional immaturity. You are sympathetic to others' suffering, but not always emotionally available to help.

-185 Square Moon - Mars

You can be precocious, animated, and passionate. You seek emotional excitement in your life. Although you often project a brave and tough image, your skin isn't as thick as you'd have others believe. You tend to put up defenses due to your emotionally vulnerable and excitable disposition. Unrest is characteristic, as you are bored by routine and become easily frustrated when life is "too easy". There's a buzz of energy surrounding you, and you tend to meet with many conflicts in your life. With the opposition, the conflict tends to be lived through relationships. The passions are quite raw, especially in youth.

If you can channel your excitable energy into sports or some other competitive field, all the better. Although you can be a decidedly amiable and interesting person, others always seem to sense your boundaries. Something is bound to get you worked up, and it's not always clear what that something will be. Your bluntness can be both appreciated and considered offensive, depending on your audience! You are eager to make a personal impact on those around you. It is possible that you are too eager in this sense, and you come across as self-absorbed and difficult to stomach. Patience is definitely not your strong point! Your responses are quick, and your are a passionate person who is usually quite courageous although your energy is sporadic and sometimes wasted. You are sexually responsive.

Short description: She is very emotional and is driven to do things by her emotions. She does not think things over or through in a given situation. She is irascible and easily angered or fired up. Marital disputes are very likely, and a heated domestic atmosphere.

-13 Square Moon - Uranus

She has a feverish, non-constructive restlessness. She is too susceptible. Her life is full of change. She is irritable and stubborn at times due to an inner restlessness that is hard to satisfy. She has difficulty concentrating on a job. Nervous strain. Her friendships are like her professional and love life - sometimes unstable. There is a strong need for closeness, but when people get too close, she gets cagey, as she values personal freedom just as much.

89 Trine Moon - Neptune

Positive aspect: She is kind and sympathetic, with a strongly compassionate nature. When in love, she is usually very devoted. In fact, she is devoted by nature, not only in matters of the heart.

There is an unmistakably compassionate and understanding side to her nature. She has a natural affinity to music. While everyone enjoys music, people with Moon in harmonious aspect to Neptune respond to music as a vehicle to heal, relax, and to uplift the soul. Naturally perceptive, without even trying she tunes into the feelings of others, and the mood of her surroundings. There is a distinct emotional need to escape into the world of imagination, and to withdraw from others at times when she needs to re-center herself, largely because she tends to "take in" a lot of mixed energies from her surroundings. Strong and sudden "feelings" and hunches can overcome her. More often than not, her intuition is correct, although her imagination is also powerful and she can read too much into a situation as a result. Some laziness is associated with this position. This stems from a natural timidity and sensitivity that is apparent from youth. She may have been labeled "shy" in youth, and family members or friends may have jumped in to "save" her from situations that required boldness or aggressiveness. Thus, passivity was accepted and, as adults, she may be less experienced than most when it comes to reaching out or going after what she wants.

185 Sextile Moon - Pluto

She wavers between a rich and successful domestic life and social success. She has difficulty in succeeding in both. Very perceptive and given to psychoanalyzing people. A strategist. Powerful emotions and intense feelings.

165 Conjunction Moon - Ascendant

She has a good influence on the family, which loves and helps the person. She likes travelling, movement, change. She likes contact and is open to other people.

-59 Square Moon - Midheaven

She has an irresolute nature, with sudden changes of humor. She is unstable and does not follow through on her own objectives. This instability shows itself not only in professional life but also in love life and friendships.

Mercury represents communication, Cartesian and logical spirit.

Mercury in Libra

Usually quite diplomatic and tactful, she evaluates and weighs things up endlessly, often to the point of indecisiveness. Of good judgment, she expresses herself clearly. Before coming to an opinion on a subject, she listens to the opinions offered by various people and can compare them before making up her own mind. Mental affinity in her relationships is paramount. She is good at compromising and always tries to put herself in others' shoes. Some mental laziness.

Mercury in II

Intelligence geared towards ways of making money, becoming rich. All methods are good, sometimes she is on the borderline of honesty.

You have a very practical mind and intelligence, seeing the obvious, most logical answer to any predicament often before others. You don't like to be put on the spot or pushed into talking or coming to a conclusion. Studies are similar--you need to work at your own steady pace. You can be quite one-track minded at times, not very happy with multi-tasking, and often quite fixed in your opinions. Sensual stimuli is more relevant to you than abstract concepts.

344 Conjunction Mercury - Saturn

44 Conjunction Mercury - Pluto

She has a great sense of observation and quickly grasps the situation. She is crafty, subtle and critical.

Venus represents an interest for emotions and values, exchange and sharing with others.

Venus in Virgo

Venus in Virgo people are not the flirtatious sort. Instead, their appeal lies in their dedication, their willingness to work on the relationship, and to make the relationship work in real terms. Unlike Venus in Leo, they won't try to impress you with grand gifts or promises. Their gifts are less showy, but perhaps far more generous -- gifts of devotion and attention to details about you. Venus in Virgo men and women quietly (and often slowly) make their way into your heart. They are quite sensitive in love -- even insecure -- and this reserved, loner-like quality is part of their appeal. They prefer to play it safe in their relationships, and they need to be confident that you like them before they make a move. They are great listeners and they make it a habit to observe and learn all of your ins and outs. Their love can be of the Kindergarten variety -- they show they care by nagging or criticizing. Remember, though, that they are not trying to hurt you when they are pointing out the flaws in your thinking, plans, or even character. They truly are trying to help! Venus in Virgo is attracted to nondescript people who have largely gone unnoticed. Show-offs and know-it-alls turn them off.

Pleasing Venus in Virgo involves showing you appreciate them for all the little things they do -- and they do a lot. The problem is, they do these things so quietly that you may not always notice or credit them for all these kind gestures. They do need some space (after all, they're generally quite busy making everything work), so give it to them. Be genuine, not ostentatious. They are really not difficult to please after you have taken care of these basic needs. Avoid pushing your friends or family on them too fast -- remember they are a little shy. They aim to please, and are easily intimidated by your experiences. Let them know how much you value them, and they will reward you with devotion and a charming willingness to talk things out.

Short description:

She is very devoted, does not show emotions: she and doesn't always let herself go, either through fear of ridicule or through fear of not being loved in return as much as she loves. She is therefore sometimes too undemonstrative. May give off the sense that her love is not for free. Caring but worries that she is not exciting enough. Careful with money.

Venus in I

Big-hearted. She is generous, altruistic, devoted, warm-hearted, lovable and sweet-tempered. She is drawn towards the Arts, music, song. She likes gatherings, parties. She has big emotional highs. Craves and often gets peaceful life in love.

You are a likable, magnetic, attractive, and charming person whose heart is often on your sleeve. Unless Venus is very challenged, you are easy to befriend, diplomatic, and warm in self-expression. You tend to attract others to you quite readily, and rarely come on too strong or aggressively. Negative expressions of this position include a superficial charm, a tendency to "play dumb" when challenged or in doubt, and two-faced, passive-aggressive behavior. The need to be liked by others, and/or to keep the peace, might lead to feelings of resentment or general unrest if you feel that you give up your own power to others. You might find it difficult to make solid decisions. Your personal sense of style and manner are things that others find fascinating, and you generally pay great attention to how these things benefit you in life.

96 Sextile Venus - Jupiter

She is good-hearted, generous and has a good character. She likes well-being, comfort, a life without problems. She has good relations with her circle. She is easy to approach. All the same, she falls in love easily. She has a successful married and professional life.

26 Conjunction Venus - Ascendant

She likes everything beautiful, the Arts, balance and harmony. She is amiable and sociable. She likes entertainment and has a loving nature.

Mars represents the desire for action and physical energy.

Mars in Scorpio

Mars in Scorpio natives love to challenge themselves to do the impossible. They throw themselves into what they decide to do with concentrated energy and awesome willpower. These people make formidable opponents, although often quietly so. They keep their cool and their equilibrium on the surface. Below the surface may be another story, and they are unlikely to easily let you in. Mars in Scorpio has the potential to exploit others--these people see through others, and rely heavily on their gut feelings. The sexual stamina of this position is thought to be the strongest of all the positions of Mars. Sometimes, Mars in Scorpio people are attracted to taboos, and their fantasies may involve blowing the taboos to smithereens! They enjoy scenarios in which the "other" is giving in to them, wants them completely, and will do absolutely anything for them. And, their sexual appeal is strong enough that they generally do get what they want.

They find it difficult to share their partners, though they will likely never admit this. In stark contrast to Mars in Libra, who is most comfortable with the middle ground, Mars in Scorpio has a black-or-white philosophy of life. These are the people who say, "Just choose!" They really are not comfortable with compromise--what kind of satisfaction could you possibly get from compromise? Real living, to Mars in Scorpio, is all about accepting challenges and making changes. These people constantly test themselves, and, often, others. They make all kinds of rules and goals, just for the personal satisfaction that comes from achieving or mastering them. Their survival instincts are strong, and they embrace their own animal nature when they are all alone with themselves, without guilt.

These people have a provocative quality to them. This quality is usually most evident in youth, though it is often carried over into adulthood in more subtle, controlled ways. Mars in Scorpio natives who have low self-esteem can become mighty twisted. Instead of beating themselves up, they turn self-loathing outward, and end up manipulating others and feeling resentful. While Mars in Libra is constantly striving to bring fairness to the world, Mars in Scorpio knows that life simply isn't fair.

Mars in III

Lively spirit, alert and ingenious but sarcastic, critical, provocative. She is quarrelsome. Expresses herself easily, does what she wants: success is at the end of the road. She is capable and acts quickly.

You speak your mind quite readily, sometimes shooting from the hip when it comes to expressing your ideas and opinions. You tend to know a lot about a variety of subjects, and like to share that knowledge with others (sometimes too forcefully!). You are generally very direct and clear when it comes to communicating. You can easily get worked up about what others might think are trivial matters. You love a good debate. Whether you know it or not, or no matter your intentions, you can be provocative in your communication style. You are likely gifted with manual dexterity, although you might easily become impatient with tasks. At your best, you are enthusiastic, animated, and lively in the way you express yourself, and this can inspire others. You will fervently defend your opinions and beliefs, as well as your family and childhood.

310 Conjunction Mars - Uranus

She possesses exceptional energy. She is impulsive but bold. She takes on risky enterprises for the good of the community, with all the energy she possesses. She has a great need of her independence, likes her freedom of action.

-25 Square Mars - Ascendant

She is quarrelsome, critical and violent. Her success is obtained by dubious means.

-160 Opposition Mars - Midheaven

She suffers professional setbacks because she is too impulsive, imprudent and lacks forethought.

Jupiter represents expansion and grace.

Jupiter in Scorpio

She attracts the most good fortune when she puts her "all" into a project or undertaking, and uses her magnetic powers to heal others. Enthusiastic for deeper studies and meanings, all that is taboo or mysterious, psychology. Values decisiveness, intensity, willpower, commitment, and strength. Very strong problem solver who cuts to the chase. Science and research may be prosperous avenues.

Jupiter in III

She has good judgement, a sense of values, an open and optimistic mind, a good education and high moral standards. She likes studying. She is successful in communications work. Her professional work is a vocation and plays a great part in her life.

Saturn represents contraction and effort.

Saturn in Libra

Recognized for her seriousness, moral qualities. She is respectable, conscientious.

Weaknesses: not open to new ideas.

Saturn in II

If she is rich, will always give the impression of being in financial difficulties. If she is broke, she gives the same impression - this time with reason. She fears being without money, and may be especially cautious with possessions and finances as a result.

36 Sextile Saturn - Neptune

Her plans are realized in a methodical fashion, she works hard to achieve success.

148 Conjunction Saturn - Pluto

She perseveres, achieves her projects through hard work.

Uranus represents individual liberty, egoistic liberty.

Uranus in Sagittarius

She is shy, delicate but proud, bold and lively.

Uranus in IV

She is very independent. Her independence begins vis-...-vis the family circle. She does not like bureaucracy, administration, and has problems as a result. She has avant-garde ideas, she is original and does not tolerate constraints on her freedom.

-30 Square Uranus - Ascendant

She is inconstant, lacks control and is nervous.

-38 Opposition Uranus - Midheaven

She cannot carry through her plans, schemes to the end. These are changeable. She lacks forethought, attention. She throws herself into things, more than reacts to them.

Neptune represents transcendental liberty, non-egoistic liberty.

Neptune in Sagittarius

Likes long voyages, things foreign, water.

Neptune in IV

She succeeds thanks to brilliant and unusual ideas. She is very much influenced by her mother.

42 Sextile Neptune - Pluto

3 Trine Neptune - Ascendant

She has strange relationships. She is easily influenced, very sensitive and emotional.

Pluto represents transformations, mutations and elimination.

Pluto in Libra

Looks for new ways to relate to others.

House I is the area of self identity. The ascendant is a symbol of how one acts in life. It is the image of the personality as seen by others, and the attitude that one has towards life.

Virgo ascendant Virgo

Ascendant in Virgo

People with Virgo rising are often a little understated in their personal mannerisms and appearance, although a lot depends on the position of Mercury (the ruling planet of Virgo) in the chart. Generally, there is an intelligent and reserved aura about Virgo rising individuals that is unmistakable. These are actually somewhat shy people who need time to analyze things around them before they warm up to both situations and people. This quality can be received exactly as that, or it can be received as a rather stand-offish, cool, and even critical manner (depending on the audience). One of the biggest personality traits of this position is body-awareness. People with Virgo ascendants are sensitive to any discomfort or other signals their body gives them. Many are especially interested and concerned with physical health, and some are attracted to mind-body awareness exercises such as yoga. Virgo rising people are often rather particular about food. Although some have good appetites, there can be an unmistakable pickiness about what they put in and on their bodies. Virgo ascendant natives have a tendency to worry a lot, especially when confronted with new situations. They notice the tiniest details that others overlook.

Many people with this position have a tendency to attract (or be attracted to) people who need help. Their relationships may be confusing as a result. Despite the Virgo rising tendency to appear rather collected and professional, relationships can sometimes be messy simply because these natives don't always see their partners and partnerships clearly. There's a quiet charm to many Virgo rising people. Once they have the chance to warm up to new people and situations, you'll find they have a lot to offer. They'll help you out of a jam, go out on a limb for you, and surprise you with a natural modesty under a somewhat critical and standoffish manner.

House II is the area of material security and values. It rules money and personal finances, sense of self-worth and basic values, personal possessions.

House II in Virgo

She worries about money and is not especially generous with it unless she feels very comfortable.

House III is the area of social and intellectual learning.

House III in Libra

She looks for refined people, with whom to have long discussions, without raised voices of any kind. Harmony and peace is very important. In early life, she worried that her siblings were getting along.

House IV is the area of home, family, roots, and deep emotions/sense of self-worth.

House IV in Scorpio

Sheis jealous, snobby, irascible.

Family rows will be frequent. Might receive an inheritance.

House V is the area of creative self-expression, romance, entertainment, children, and gambling.

House V in Capricorn

The absolute example of the "serious" type. Everything is calculated, the slightest risk analyzed, patience is one of her main qualities. Doesn't know anything about chance. One or two love affairs, marriage, a family, all unproblematic - done calmly with love and wisdom.

House VI is the area of learning by material transaction.

House VI in Aquarius

One of the professions or teaching. Weak point: the circulation of the blood.

House VII is the area of one-to-one relationships such as marriage and partnership, and of social and intellectual action.

House VII in Pisces

Marriage with someone who will quickly disappoint. The spouse's lack of energy and vitality will annoy her, and this could lead to the break-up of the marriage. A second, happier one could happen.

House VIII is the area of emotional security and of security of the soul.

House VIII in Pisces

Discussions about an inheritance. Be careful of water.

House IX is the area of learning that shapes the identity.

House IX in Aries

Travel with risk and adventure.

House X is the area of material action. The Mid-heaven represents the work one will do in his life, the place one will take in the world of society. It becomes more important as one grows older

House X in Taurus

Trusted at work. Occupation connected with the earth, buildings, finance etc...

House XI is the area of search for social and intellectual security.

House XI in Cancer

Sincere and life-long friendships. The family comes first, however.

House XII is the area of education and of emotion.

House XII in Leo

A few problems with authority or someone in charge.

Your Personal Natal Chart

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