
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Q&A 3

1. Amateur astronomers, and others, post the orbits of satellites on the Web. See for 
example,  Some of the satellites may have military 
uses. There is a viewpoint that publication of these orbits should be banned because 
“ bad guys” can hide when they know the satellites are overhead. 

(a) Give arguments for banning publication of orbit data 

In favor of this ban I propose the argument that such public orbit data may give ‘bad guys’ the heads up. If the public knows the exact orbit of military satellites, they can completely evade detection during certain times, and act covertly even in broad daylight, at other times. 

(b) Give arguments against such a ban 

Satellite locations should be exposed to the public. To serve like a checks and balance, activity should not be completely kept secret from the public. Things may begin with good intentions, but if they get out of hand, it can be kept a secret easily, if orbit is not publicized. Who knows when people will start using satellites to intrude upon our rights as citizens.  

(c) Which arguments do you think are stronger, why? 

I think the argument against the ban would be stronger, based on the majority who would agree with me. I believe there is more people who rather live a civil and private life instead of having other institutions such as the government baby sitting us ( like a Nanny cam, which, is more socially acceptable).

2. The .xxx top-level domain “for sexually explicit material was proposed as one tool for 
dealing with the conflict between those who wish to provide and access such material 
through the Internet, and those who wish to prevent access to it, either by children and 
adolescents or by employees at their workplaces.” (Wikipedia) 

(a) List some benefits of the new domain 

A key benefit for having the new xxx top-level domain is that it would make things much easier to filter and control. It would be easier to track certain sites, by the government, institutions, and even family members. I like how all the sexual explicit content is placed in a categorized domain to separate other domains that want no association to this kind of content, that may damage reputation and business. Also, sometimes when you search something that has nothing to do with sexual content, a lot of sexual content appears, and it is very frustrating.

(b) List some problems caused by the new domain. 

One main problem with the domain, is the transition for large companies. It would also be like advertising sexually explicit material. It would be very hard to mandate the new domain, and make sure that everyone plays by the rules.

3. In 2008, in response to complaints from instructors, the CSUCI Technology Advisory 
Committee was asked to consider blocking access to social networking sites from 
computers in instructional labs. 

(a) Give arguments in favor of such a ban 

Being in favor of such ban, I feel it would help more students concentrate on their homework and studying. I know they allow computer use during class, in which case, such a ban will help students focus on the lecture. I have personally seen students surf the internet during class quite a bit, and is always very distracting.

 (b) Give arguments against 

Such a ban might discourage students from communicating with each other. If the ban happens, classes such as journalism, media arts, or marketing that assigns students to use certain social network sites may be problematic. There is really no point because students can access their social network sites through there own mobile phones. 

(c) If you had been on the committee how would you have voted? Why? 

I would vote ‘no’ because you never know if you can save a life through social networks. I wouldn’t want to get in the way of someone contacting others for help or an emergency. Also, from experience, I’ve seen that any teacher that really has control over the classroom, also can keep students from surfing the web when they should be listening to a lecture.

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