
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Love and Money Feng Shui for Barack Obama

Report created by Susan Levitt
Birth Date and Time August 04, 1961 7:00 PM

Love, romance, true love, spiritual connection, a soul mate: to give love strongly and to be loved and cherished in return. Feng shui can help you find, attract, and keep love in your life. If you are in a partnership, feng shui can help you sustain your relationship and develop your connection to a higher level of love, trust, and intimacy.

Money to spend, share, save, invest, or do whatever you want with it. Feng shui can offer many ways to enhance your financial future. It's easy! Just follow the practical and detailed advice in this report to start your new cycle of prosperity.

Feng shui (pronounced "fung schway" is the ancient Chinese art of placement. The literal translation of feng shui is "wind" and "water," two elements of nature. There are many schools of feng shui, but your personalized LOVE AND MONEY feng shui report uses a feng shui style whereby your LOVE area is the far right-hand corner from a room's entry. Your MONEY area is the far left-hand corner from a room's entry. Let's focus on the "love corner" first:

How many rooms in your dwelling? That's how many love corners there are in your home, and every love corner can be transformed with feng shui cures and enhancements to create the best possible energy to support all your relationships. It's up to you to do it, and after you read this report you will know what to do!

Every far right-hand corner from the entry of a room is your love corner. A dwelling with many rooms has many love corners; one for each room. More rooms just mean more opportunities to create great relationship feng shui in the love corner of each and every room. Bedroom, kitchen, bathroom - even the garage - all have a far right-hand love corner.

A one-room home has only one love corner, like a studio apartment, dormitory room, or a rented room in a house with roommates. If you live in one room, this one corner will be most important because you don't have other love corners to enhance.

No matter what kind of dwelling you live in now -- be it a single-family home, a condominium, a mansion, or a trailer -- there is a far right-hand corner in every room. And that far right-hand corner from the entry is your love corner. Here is where you focus to attract a new relationship, new friends, and a loving partnership, even marriage. The feng shui balance of this corner influences your ability to attract and develop nurturing relationships. And then maintain the quality of your relationships.


The love corner focuses first and foremost on the important one-on-one romantic relationship. Looking for love, or in a partnership but seeking to enhance your love? That is the primary goal of doing feng shui in this love corner. But this corner can also have a larger context of representing all your relationships including intimacy with friends, work colleagues, and just about everyone in your immediate environment. Your circle of influence is wide, and everyone in it benefits when this area of your life is balanced and enhanced with good feng shui.

Recall that every room of your home has a love corner, but the most important room for love is the bedroom. We'll start in the bedroom because the bedroom is where love, sex, and intimacy are strongest. In feng shui, this is a "yin" room, meaning feminine and receptive. (A "yang" room, masculine and active, is the living room, a place for activity and "living".) Start your feng shui journey by standing at the entry of your bedroom. Then look, and I mean really look, at what is in your far right-hand love corner. Focus on that far corner and see what is in there; analyze with a fresh new perspective.

What to add to your relationship corner to create lucky feng shui? PAIRS! Paired items, not one item alone nor a grouping of three. Place paired items in your love corner such as two candlesticks, two flowers, or two matching crystals hearts; you get the idea. This is the perfect spot for wedding pictures or pictures or your romantic partner. A pair of flowering plants, art depicting couples, objects in pairs such as two crystals, and the color pink are appropriate here.

Candles are one of the best items to have in the relationship corner to add fire, passion, creativity, and excitement. Keep your candles united, meaning that the two candlesticks should be placed so that their bases touch. Same with two candles in glass or on a dish; be sure the bases touch. Do not separate the candles by placing each one at the far ends of a dresser or table top. When you need more energy for romance, simply light the candles. (But don't leave the candles burning unattended for safety reasons.) What color candles are luckiest for you to use is based on your personal element color.


Feng shui uses the five elements of fire, earth, metal, water, and wood. Only one of the five feng shui element is your personal element, which is determined by your birthday. Be sure to incorporate the color of your personal element to enhance your relationship corner. Based on your birth data, your element is Metal.

You want metal in your relationships: clear, precise, and focusing on mutual goals. Be sure your relationship corner and bedroom are always clean, never cluttered. A pair of metal candlesticks with white candles is ideal.


Crystals are powerful feng shui enhancements because they add energy, light, and vitality. They offer a spiritual sensibility and cheer wherever they are placed. Crystals have the capacity to enhance light while breaking up dense energy. An example of this is how a prism refracts the harsh rays of the sun into a rainbow of color and light.

The type of crystals that are mined from the earth are not used often in feng shui because these crystals have sharp or rough edges. Crystals used in feng shui are leaded glass balls that are carefully cut to be multifaceted and reflect light from all directions. Crystal balls perform best when hung in windows where they can absorb new light and refract it into the corners of your room. Crystal balls break up overactive energy coming from the outside while while brightening up darker spaces. For added good fortune, hang your crystal on a red nine-inch red cord or ribbon. Or use a multiple of nine for high ceilings or windows. Eighteen inches is usually long enough to catch light in most windows. Red symbolizes life, vitality, energy, and abundance in feng shui. Nine is a powerful number in feng shui because it is the highest of the single-digit numbers. A crystal can also be placed in a holder on a dresser or tabletop if you do not want to hang it.

If a window is located in your relationship corner, hang a crystal ball ball in the window. And if your relationship corner has two windows, then hang a crystal in each window. Be sure to have soft window coverings like solid curtains for your windows. You do not want bare windows, in feng shui.

If you dislike hanging crystal balls, then do not use this enhancement. Only do what feels right for you and what makes sense in your décor. But beautiful colors streaming through your room from a crystal ball truly can transform your bedroom and your life, so I encourage you to try a hanging crystal ball.

If there is not a window in this area, you could hang a crystal ball from the ceiling, but I do not often recommend this enhancement because a crystal ball is better in a window where it can reflect light.


Adding a mirror is an excellent enhancement for love! Your love corner is an excellent location for a mirror, especially round and oval shaped. A mirror goes well in the love corner because mirrors reflects light and adds brightness which opens up this area. If you have a small or dark space, a mirror can do wonders to bring in more light and create a feeling of expansion.

Your love is someone who is your reflection so a mirror makes sense symbolically in this corner. And a mirror is symbolic of water in feng shui, and water correlates to feelings and emotions.

A round mirror is best, but an oval, octagon, or heart-shaped mirror is excellent too. The sharp corners of a square mirror are least desirable. Try not to use a square- or oblong-shaped mirror because round or oval is much softer Be sure that your mirror is solid, not cracked, smoky, or made up of many mirrored tiles.

Hang the mirror to see your face centered in the mirror's reflection. Do not hang a mirror whereby your reflected image is cut, meaning that when you hang your mirror in your love corner, be sure the mirror is hung to not cut off the top of your head when you look in the mirror. If your partner is tall or you seek a partner who is not your height, anticipate this and hang your mirror to include both your reflections without anyone's head being cut off in the reflection.

If you do not have a table, dresser, or other piece of furniture in the love corner, then add a full-length mirror here. A full length mirror should not cut off your head or feet in the reflection. A long oval is preferable, not a rectangle, to add softness. If you have no furniture at all in this corner and your room can use a piece of furniture without feeling too crowded, add a love seat because a love seat offers room for two. Or add two matching chairs. Just don't have a piece of furniture that sits only one person such as a rocking chair, stool, or one chair only.

A bouquet of fresh flowers is excellent in this corner to add beauty, fragrance, and luck. If single, add fresh flowers here before you go on a date. If in a relationship, enhance your love connection by adding flowers. This simple cure helps when relationships are going through ups and downs to add beauty and grace. Be sure to remove the flowers when they lose energy and begin to wilt. No dead or dried flowers, and no potpourri which is dead. Silk flowers are good in feng shui. If you add silk flowers to this area, use two big blooms to make a pair. Red silk orchids, hibiscus, or roses work well.


If your love corner does not have room for any of the above recommendations, then add a piece of art on both walls. Select your art carefully. Be sure that it is uplifting and inspiring. No abstract or chaotic art, especially here. Imagery is very important in feng shui so the art should bring joyous feelings when you look at it. Hang the art balanced at your eye level.

For your love corner, choose art that matches in some way. Images that work well are a pair of ducks, flowers, couples, or lush nature scenes which are lovely additions to this area. Be creative! Maybe try a picture of the tarot card The Lovers in your love corner. Even in a tiny wall area in your love corner, you can add art that depicts happy pairs or a photograph of you and a sweetheart enjoying each other's company.

And remember your personal element. Your element is Metal ,so you can be inspired by art that uses white and soft pastel colors. The bedroom is a yin room for sleep so be sure your bedroom cozy with soft pastels if it is not too stark and minimal.


An oval or round mirror, fabric tapestry, or light-weight painting is safe when hung securely over your bed. Make sure that the imagery of your tapestry or painting is beautiful, peaceful, and inspiring, not abstract, chaotic, or red. Just do not hang heavy objects or plants over your bed. Definitely do not decorate your bedroom with swords or hang a samurai sword over your bed. If you must decorate with swords or any type of weaponry, mount them in a sealed glass case in another room.


You probably know your Western astrology sign, be it Aries the Ram, Taurus the Bull, Gemini the Twins, Cancer the Crab, Leo the Lion, Virgo the Virgin, Libra the Scales, Scorpio the Scorpion (or eagle), Sagittarius the Archer, Capricorn the Goat, Aquarius the Water Bearer, or Pisces the Fishes.

Chinese astrology is not based on the month you were born. Instead, Chinese astrology is based on the year you were born. And your Chinese year is key in creating success in relationships. There are twelve signs of the Asian zodiac: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Hare, Dragon, Serpent, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Phoenix (Rooster), Dog, and Pig.
Your personal Chinese astrology sign is the year of the Ox.

Ox seeks security, reliability, and trust in a relationship. Dedication to home and family is valued.


You are very compatible with someone who is the same Chinese astrology sign as you are. You are either the same age, or twelve years older or younger. You will also have good luck by being in relationship with a person born in your love harmony triad. Save yourself problems by attracting and developing a relationship with someone who was born in your same birth year or who is in your love harmony triad. In Chinese astrology, there are four harmony triads that determine your best relationship compatibility. These triads indicate the most harmonious and desirable alliances between the animal signs. These animal triads occur every four years.

Rat, Monkey, and Dragon create a love harmony triad.
Ox, Serpent, and Phoenix create a love harmony triad.
Tiger, Horse, and Dog create a love harmony triad.
Hare, Sheep, and Pig create a love harmony triad.


Don't worry if it seems as if there are only three choices for your partner; you also have one more ally outside your harmony triad who is just as compatible. The animal sign allies are:

Rat and Ox
Tiger and Pig
Hare and Dog
Dragon and Phoenix
Serpent and Money
Horse and Sheep

For Ox, you and Rat are allies. Rat is clever and sharp, keeps you entertained, and can help you figure out life's challenges. A Rat is one year older than you.

You might want to get a complete astrology chart done for all the details, but in general your same sign, in your love harmony triad, or your ally are your best choices. But the one sign who is your exact opposite in Chinese astrology is not considered lucky for you. It is not advised to not marry someone who is your opposite animal sign. Opposites are:

Rat is opposite Horse.
Ox is opposite Sheep.
Tiger is opposite Monkey.
Hare is opposite Phoenix.
Dragon is opposite Dog.
Serpent is opposite Pig.

To recap your feng shui love luck by sign:


Ox, Serpent, and Phoenix (Rooster) are best friends who together create a love harmony triad. All three of you have practical, common-sense personality traits; industrious, reliable, dedicated, hardworking, money-conscious, and success-oriented. But at times you can be stubborn, narrow minded, and resist necessary change. The Ox has one other close friend and ally; the Rat, so Rat is also a lucky partner for you. Of all twelve years of the Chinese zodiac, Sheep is not considered lucky for you. Sheep is your exact opposite; Sheep is capricious, arty, and likes the good life whereas you are no-nonsense and do better to work steadily on a focused goal. The impractical indulgences and squandering of money that Sheep enjoy make for an unbalanced partnership and is not recommended.


Now that you know which animal sign is best for you, consider adding imagery of this animal next to a representation of your animal sign. Be sure that the animal images are balanced in size and match to create a balanced partnership, or else the one person with the larger animal could dominate the other. Photos or small sculptures of animals are good. If you use stuffed animals, place them so they are embracing.

If you have two matching animals, your love corner. such as ceramic birds, arrange the them so that they face each other. One or both should also face the entrance. Note that in feng shui, any item that has a face on it should be placed to face the entry So really look at how you arrange two animals together if you put animal imagery in your love corner.

You were born in an Ox year. Consider two big cute stuffed ox, buffalo, or cows (one male, one female if you are heterosexual) embracing each other on your bed. Stuffed animals might not be to your style or taste, but these two stuffed oxen on the bed are fun feng shui, and symbolically this is what we want -- a couple united together.

If you are in a relationship, it is fun to have stuffed animals that represent your sign and your partner's sign. But the animals should be the same size for balance. In China, a pair of Mandarin ducks represent relationship union because ducks mate for life. Another symbol of marriage and partnership is a dragon and phoenix. A pair of ceramic ducks, a pair of stuffed animals, posters, art, or embroidery of a dragon and phoenix are excellent in your relationship corner. (Note to those born in Dog year: Dragon is your opposite so no dragon imagery for you anywhere in your home. And Phoenix is opposite Hare so if you were born in Hare year, avoid Phoenix imagery)


If a bathroom is attached to your bedroom, keep that bathroom door closed! You do not want to be in your bedroom and be able to look into the bathroom. Affix a large mirror on the outside of the bathroom door. Oval shape is best. This will reflect away the bathroom energy. Hang the mirror so that your head or feet are not cut off in the reflection. If you cannot hang a large mirror, at least hang a small mirror on the door at the height to reflect your face. If there is not a door between the bedroom and the bathroom, install a door or hang a beaded curtain or fabric to create a separation between the two rooms.


Lift your energy and enhance good feng shui with the use of scent. How does your bedroom feel and smell? Make this room as magical and comforting as you possibly can. Use your creativity to transform your bedroom into a nurturing sacred space. Decorate with objects that have symbolic meaning for you. And be sure that the smell is pleasant and healing. Use aromatherapy and scent to help you sleep well, be at peace, and remember your dreams.

What's the first thing you smell when you enter your bedroom? If the scent is sweet or inviting, then you immediacy feel good about being there. If the smell is uninviting, you might want to consider aromatherapy. First remove anything that is stinky such as shoes, sheets that need washing, or dirty old clothes. Add aromatherapy candles, organic sprays, or use a pure essential oil in a diffuser. Calming and healing scents are derived from the oils of most flowers and fruits including lavender, rose, and orange. Any of these three, or in combination, will do nicely. Avoid synthetic sprays or chemically scented candles. You can use an organic herbal spray called Orange Mate, or go on line or inquire at your local health food store for a pure organic scent that you like and works best for you. As a Metal type, you are best with scents that strengthen your lungs such as pine, cedar, or eucalyptus.


A fireplace is excellent in your love corner to add fire, passion, and excitement. An indoor heater is also good in this area. The feng shui combination of a round or oval mirror hung over a fireplace or heater in a love corner is highly recommended.


Not everyone likes the color pink, and if you don't like it don't use it. But pink is a color of love, compassion, and the heart center. Pink can be a nice addition to the love corner. If pink is suitable for you, then pink sheets and pink flowers are recommended.


Mobiles are a wonderful way to create motion in an indoor room. They circulate energy in lifeless areas where there is little motion. Mobiles can be very effective in lightening up a corner. If you would like to add a mobile to your love corner, use one in colors of love such as pink or red. A mobile of two items or items in pairs also works well in this area.


The love corner is the perfect spot for a picture of your loved one. If you are married, your wedding photo is ideal. If in a committed relationship, place a recent photo of the two of you together. Just make sure the picture shows both of you in happy spirits. This corner is not a good area to place pictures of friends, parents, children, and other family members because they are not sweethearts.

If single, don't have so many photos in your love corner that a partner can't get in because all of the other people in the way. If you have photo clutter, place most of the photos in a photo album and display only two at most. Two because you want items in pairs in the love corner. Select the best photos, and have one where you look and feel great so you are inspired when you see it, not critical.


Hang curtains! Do not have nude windows whereby you are living in a fishbowl and people can see into your hone at night. In feng shui, windows must be able to be covered at night for privacy and protection. Use curtains of soft, draping fabric to make your bedroom inviting. The color pink is good for love and emotions. But if you do not want pink curtains, the use gold, or light pastel colors which also are good choices. It is fine if the curtains come to the floor, and even pool a bit at the bottom to indicate excess not scarcity. Not lucky in feng shui are window treatments such as shutters or blinds that make shadows that look like knife blades. That's fine for artistic effect in film noir movies to indicate tension, but not in your bedroom. Use a solid shade instead.


If you have unlucky items in your love corner, just place them elsewhere in your home for the time being until you decide what to do with them.


Not lucky in the relationship corner are ashes of the deceased. Love and honor your ancestors, but just not here. Perhaps an exception is a widow or widower who wants to keep their love alive, or are in a grieving process. But in time, it is best to remove ashes from this corner.


A television is not recommended in your love corner because then you develop a relationship with TV personalities, not real people, and this leads to too much TV watching. The characters projected on the screen become virtual companions. You want to be connecting with real people, not isolated watching too much TV. If your TV cable outlet is in your love corner, extend the cable line to place the TV elsewhere in the room. In a corner near the entry or along the far right wall are much better places, Just get your TV out of your love corner. Most electronic items have so much energy, like a computer or TV, that they are much better when placed in your living room.


A computer is not good here, even if you plan on dating and meeting a mate on line. A computer in the love corner means that you'll spend too much time on line and not enough time relating to others face to face. Many people have been fortunate in finding love on line, but still place your computer elsewhere in your home.


Another problem is a cactus plant in the love corner. That invites prickly relationships because a cactus is not a warm nor inviting plant. Cacti are not good feng shui because of the pointy spiky leaves. Lucky plants in feng shui have round leaves such as a jade plant or a peace lily. And no dead plants! When a plant is dying or dead, remove it and add it to the mulch pile. Dried flowers including potpourri are not good because the life force is dried out and decayed.

Plants offer vital energy, add oxygen, add beauty, and connect us to the natural world. They can soften the hard edges of a room, muffle traffic noise, and offer emotional comfort. Fresh flowers and lush plants are symbolic of growth and new ideas. But a plant must be healthy. An unhealthy plant depletes energy and can block the flow of energy in this important corner. If you do not have a green thumb, do not be discouraged; just use silk plants.


It is not good feng shui to place a small potted bonsai tree in your love corner. This is not fortunate because the bonsai grow very slowly so love takes too long to develop and grow. If you have a bonsai in your love corner, remove it and place something else there. Silk flowers are fine, but be sure to have pairs or an even number. Avoid objects in three's or else you can create a relationship triangle, which nobody wants.


Also not lucky in the love corner is a picture of your sweetheart or partner without you, so no photos or anyone alone. If you are not on a partnership, the absolute last thing you want in your relationship corner is an image of a singleton. Religious imagery that depicts one person, be it Buddha or the Virgin Mary, do not belong in this corner.

Be sure to mix imagery of both genders if you are heterosexual and seek a partner. If you are a single woman, really look at the imagery of your art. Many women have homes decorated with Goddess imagery or an image of a woman alone. If you seek a male companion, add one-third male imagery. Be sure that the first thing seen upon entering your home is not an image of a woman alone. Replaced singleton images of images of things in pairs. Even a picture of a deer and a stag together in the woods is better than a picture of a solitary female. Same for men if you have imagery of men but no pictures that include women.


Your love corner in your bedroom is not a good location for your pet's area. If you keep your pet here, your pet will become your primary partner!


Try not to have your home office located in your love corner. If you do, then relationships feel like work! And office furniture is not lucky here. No beat-up metal file cabinet stuffed with out-dated tax files. Things are symbolic in feng shui. When you think of a love corner, you want symbols of love: fresh flowers, things in pairs, a vibrant crystal, a mirror for reflection - not a work station.


And no exercise equipment such as a stationary bike, or else your relationships are a work out. Remember the symbolic system of feng shui, so nothing that is a problem or a challenge belongs in this area.


Do not store shoes or other clutter under your bed. Keep it open and clutter-free. If your bed has storage capacity, such as pull-out drawers built in under your bed, use those drawers only to store items that belong on the bed such as linens, blankets, and pillows.


If you have clutter, start by completely clearing out your love corner. Remove everything, and I mean everything, and clean clean clean this corner. Remove dust, dirt, and whatever else you find there. Items not stored in their proper place, paper, books, magazines, dirty clothing, other people's stuff, items that were gifts that you do not want - all is clutter and must be sorted through and either stored properly, reused, recycled, or donated. If a dresser is in your love corner, clean out every dresser drawer.

Sorry if feng shui has lost some of its magic by having to do basic cleaning and then maintenance. But you do not want to add lucky items, such as a pair of candlesticks or fresh flowers, on top of unconscious clutter. Don't feel badly if you've been living with junk and mess in your love corner. Just clean it out now to prepare for your next stage in life. Once the clutter is gone, it will be easy to place the correct items in this corner according to feng shui principles.


Can't believe it's over? Can't stop thinking about all the good times you shared? Stop reminiscing and deal with your clutter. Instead of walking forward while looking back, you can change negative feelings by cleaning up your clutter. Ask a friend or relative to help you if you need motivation to get started.


Relationship problems are caused by too much clutter in the bedroom. A cluttered bedroom feels like a dark cave; so if you were seeking love and then brought home your new love, you are off to a poor start due to the chaotic clutter that holds old energy. And this would not be a good indication for your new sweetheart of your housekeeping abilities or level of consciousness about your surroundings.


In a long-term partnership, the clutter and darkness in your bedroom just bring clutter and darkness to your relationship. Marriage ruts are often due to clutter in the love corner;dirty laundry is there, or papers and magazines piled up in a mess, or nothing there whatsoever in big rooms. According to one of my teachers, messy garages lead to divorce. That might seem odd, but it's true. So if your garage is a mess and you can't even park a car in there, time to organize your garage too.


Now that you know what is not lucky in feng shui to enhance love, here are more ways to create luck in your relationships:


If you want balance in love, then balance your bed! Place your bed against a solid wall with equal space on either side of your bed. This creates a balanced partnership. If your bed is pushed against the corner wall, one partner will dominate in the relationship.

If there is not much room and your bed is a tight fit, still leave equal space on both sides of your bed. Do not shove your bed against the wall to leave room for only one end table. You want two end tables that match, no matter how small. So pull that bed out from against the wall, and then add small matching end tables. Continue with matching items on the end tables, such as matching reading lamps on both sides of your bed.

Note that it is fine in feng shui if a small child's bed is against a wall for a sense of security. But as the child matures and starts to develop socially, especially as the child enters their teen years, move the bed from the wall. You want balanced space around a bed. A single parent who sleeps with their child in a bed against a corner wall blocks opportunities to attract a partner.


Once your bed is centered along a solid wall, get those matching end tables. You want items next to the bed to match to keep balance in your love. Matchy-matchy might not be in fashion to match your shoes with your handbag, but it is excellent in feng shui for love. An easy place to start is with matching lamps on the matching end tables.

Keep similar amounts of items on the end tables, and match those few items. And no clutter! It is not good feng shui to have too many books or magazines in your bedroom. Your bedroom is a yin place for rest, not a yang place for stimulation. Don't let a pile of books and magazines end up next to your bed. One or two items are fine, but not more than that. The partner with much more stuff next to their side of the bed ends up having to shoulder more of the responsibilities in the partnership.


The best position for your bed is balanced on a solid wall that is furthest from the door. This is called the commanding position and is determined by the entry to your bedroom.

Bed placement is so important in feng shui to create a balanced partnership. One third of your life is spent in bed so you want your bed to be placed in the commanding position. The commanding position is farthest away from the entry where the door is easily seen when lying in bed. When your bed is placed deep in the bedroom it enhances its strength, giving it density and power. The deeper you are nestled into your room, the more control you will have and not be love's victim.

As you see in the diagram, you have two choices depending on the door location. If your door is to the left as you enter, in the first example, either one of those two locations is good for you. Chose the wall that does not have windows, a closet, a door to a bathroom, or other reason why your bed would not be right if placed there. If both walls are available, then chose the one that feels better.

In the middle example, where the door is the middle entry, you do not want to have the head of your bed directly opposite the door because then your feet will face the door in the unlucky "coffin" position. But if you must place your bed directly across from a door, then place a wooden chest at the foot of your bed, have a headboard and foot board for your bed, and place a soft rug between the door and the foot of your bed to soften the negative effect. Headboards should be solid, not wooden slats or metal bars.

In the last example, with the door to the far right when entering, either bed position is good for you. Chose the one without windows, closets, or other obstructions such as a fire place.


A bedroom positioned over a garage is not recommended in feng shui. This can lead to instability; under the bedroom there is constant movement and change every time the car pulls in or out. And the dead space below the bedroom gives the bedroom lack of support. If you must locate your bedroom over a garage, a feng shui solution is to hang a crystal on a nine inch red cord from the garage ceiling, balanced directly over the car when when parked. If you have more than one car, each car gets its own crystal. The crystal disburses the energy between the car and the ceiling to offer better sleep, rest, and security. Also unfortunate between cars and bedrooms is when a car parked outside points directly at your bedroom. Hang a mirror on the bedroom wall where the car is on the other side of the wall, or simply back your car into the garage.


A bedroom with no missing areas is good feng shui. But not all buildings are designed in a perfect square or rectangle. If your bedroom has a projection in the love corner, all the better! The extra space offers a natural enhancement. Extra space is extra luck. Any addition of space adds luck and opportunity. Embellish your extra space with love enhancements in mind. Add live or silk plants, a mirror, a fountain, a love seat, art in pairs; you get the idea. Make it a lush and inviting area. If this corner is larger and there is a projection, relationships will be fulfilling and women will be more content. If you are fortunate enough to have extra space in the love corner of your bedroom, don't use this corner for anything but love; don't turn this extra space into a nook to stick a computer facing the wall. Keep this extra bedroom corner focused only on love. But if a room is missing the love corner, hang a large mirror to the wall to bring in light and open up the space.


But what if your love corner is missing altogether from your bedroom? If this corner is incomplete or missing, one might feel lonely or unloved. This missing area can be enhanced to create balance and give it more energy; mirrors are a superb cure to this problem. Simply mirror both walls. If you have furniture there, just hang the mirrors over the furniture. Another option is to add art that has depth, such as a Chinese landscape painting where the viewer enters the scene and is drawn in. This is the love corner so remember art that depicts a couple or items in pairs is luckiest.


If you've experienced a relationship break-up, divorce, or any kind of separation, it is better to release a lost love than to pine for them. If they want to come back, they would be back. Sometimes separation can be painful. Take time to grieve and heal. But a feng shui remedy is to remove pictures of the one who broke your heart. One photo album or scrapbook is fine, but out of sight is out of mind.

The inability to move on in relationships is often due to clutter. So clean up your home, get spruced up, and start being social. When you go out, you want to return to a home that is your sanctuary with good feng shui. And there is not good feng shui where there is clutter and mess. The one main problem that keeps people stuck, sentimental, and nostalgic is their clutter. Clear your clutter before you hang that round mirror. Otherwise the mirror doubles all the mess. Two lit candles in a cluttered room feel more like a fire hazard than a feng shui bit of luck. And you won't even notice a beautiful vase of two silk orchids if your room is full of clutter.


Feng shui is about how you organize your space, but good fortune is also contingent on time. What if you clear clutter, move the bed, add matching tables and lamp, add beautiful art, mirrors and other embellishments - but nothing happens? Keep organizing, keep your home clean, and keep being creative with your feng shui. Luck comes to you in your lucky year.

Ox has most love luck in Rat, Ox, Serpent, and Phoenix years.


Every room in your home has a love corner, one in each room. More rooms just mean more opportunities to create great feng shui in all your love corners! Bedroom, kitchen, bathroom - even the garage - all have a far right-hand love corner. Now that you know what to do with the love corner in your bedroom, walk through your home and look at the love corner in every room in your house. In feng shui, the bedroom is ruled by the element metal, which is your element, so its' best that you focused on the bedroom love corner first.


It is so important to embellish your love corner in your living room. Here is where we entertain and enjoy relating to our guests. This is the room for "living" with family, friends, pets, everyone. The living room is where you can display your personal treasures, or art and crafts collected from travels. The more variety the better.


It is vital to embellish your love corner in your kitchen. The kitchen is important in feng shui and Chinese medicine because here is where meals are prepared for health and sustenance. According to feng shui principles, the kitchen must be kept very clean. Be sure that you do not have exposed knives in your kitchen love corner. Put knives in a drawer or in a wooden box designed to hold knives.


Just as the kitchen must be kept clean, so too the bathroom. A feng shui problem is just too many toiletries in the average bathroom. If you tend to have just too much stuff in your bathroom, edit down all the shampoos, conditioners, styling products, cleansing products, bath products, and more.


Your dining room has a love corner too, so be sure to focus on and organize what is in your love corner here. If there is more than one entrance to the dining room, how can you figure out which is the far right-hand corner from the entry? Determine your love corner from the entrance that is most often used. If your dining room is used as a second bedroom, treat that second bedroom just as you would the master bedroom. If your dining room is used as a home office, be sure a paper shredder is not located in your love corner. (The absolute worst placement of a paper shredder is in the wealth corner, but more on that later.)


If you have a home office, a simple solution is to keep a nicely framed photo of you and your loved one, or you and your family, hung in the love corner. Or place a framed photo on your desk in the love corner of the desk, meaning the far right-hand corner of your desk when you are seated at your desk. You don't need much, but just don't neglect the love corner in your home office.


Yes, there is a far-right hand corner in here too. Make sure it is clean. A fun feng shui idea is to put up travel posters in this area; a poster of a couple on a gondola ride in Venice, a poster of a couple in Paris, or a couple in Thailand; you get the idea. Chose posters of a location that holds good memories for you, such as where you went on your honeymoon. If single, put of posters of where you would like to go. Travel poster in the garage can be an inexpensive and inspiring way to keep energy alive in the love corner of your garage.


They all have a far right-hand corner from the entry, so be aware of this corner in all rooms. Your porch should have soft padded furniture for comfort and a cozy feel. Be sure to have more than one chair. Even if you only use one chair, have two so it looks inviting for a couple. Your den is like another living room so use the feng shui information for the living room corner in your den. A storage room should be kept clean and organized, not a dumping ground for junk. Make sure the love corner is not a mess. Other rooms such as a laundry room or garden room also have their love corner, so be aware of what surrounds you. Soon you'll be observing the far right hand corner of every room that you enter. You'll be at your dentist's office and have insights about the state of their love life be looking at what is in their love corner.


Just as you did in your bedroom, look with a new focus in the far right-hand corner from the door in each and every room. You might be surprised by what you observe, by what's been hiding there in the corners for too long. Apply the basics of clear out clutter and dead things. Clean up any mess and make the area tidy. A piece of large furniture there? Clean it, remove clutter, dust and oil it, and then really look at what is placed on top of the furniture. Then add feng shui cures that bring in light, luck, energy, and awareness to each far-right corner.


Dingy or dark corner? Simply add a light. A floor lamp will do. Lights in pairs? Now you're thinking.


An empty wall with nothing in that love corner but some dust on the floor? Hang a round or oval mirror at eye level, or a picture of a happy couple.


If you have a green thumb, add a live plant if the corner has good light for plants. As the plant grows, love grows. A thick lush jade plant in a red, green, or pink ceramic bowl is a good choice for a hardy plant in most climates.

If keeping plants alive is not your forte or your plant does not grow over time, then simply remove it and add to the mulch or recycle bin. Trying to save a weak and dying plant is like trying to save a weak and dying relationship. And one last reminder; no cacti or spiky plants ever.


A water fountain is a very lucky feng shui enhancement because moving water adds life. But if you keep a fountain, it is important that you keep it in excellent working order. It needs maintenance, just like a living thing. Don't have a gorgeous table-top fountain and right next to it is a big plastic distilled water bottle because you used distilled water in your fountain. That does not make a lovely balanced pair.

Be sure that any decoration or additions to your fountain stay clean and alive. No small moss-like plants on fountains that have dried out and died long ago. No bonsai trees glued to a rock of an indoor fountain, and the bonsai is dried out or dead. You don't want dead plants as part of the decoration on your fountain.

If you decide to keep an indoor fountain for love luck and to circulate energy in a love corner, know that your fountain requires time for your love and care. Keep it clean, happily humming, and consciously decorated with living things. But as you will read later in this feng shui report, an indoor water fountain is even luckier in your money corner than it is in any love corner

If you do not like indoor fountains because it's just one more thing to plug in and use electricity, then don't use them. But many people enjoy the "white noise" sound of a fountain. If you love fountains and can make a maintenance commitment, then a fountain is a very lucky addition to any love corner. Remember to decorate your fountain with things in pairs; two crystals, two cranes, etc.


On special occasions or to add power to your relationship corner, simply add a vase of fresh-cut flowers. Beautiful flowers bring lovely energy to your home and to your relationship. An arrangement of lush silk flowers is ideal. Or arrange flowers in a pair or in a grouping of flowers. Just don't have three flowers because that creates a love triangle which no one wants. Silk orchids, peonies, roses, or other flowers that you love and remind you of romance are excellent. The fresh flowers in the love corner enhancement works in any room of your home.


To be happy in love, have things that make you happy when you look at them in your love corners in each and every room. No need to live with items that you do not love. Live with what you love! Just because something was a gift or you've had it for a long time does not mean that you can't recycle or donate, especially if you have too much clutter.


Remember that if your bedroom has an adjacent toilet or bathroom, always make sure that the door between the bedroom and bathroom is closed when you are asleep. If you do not have a door, hang a beautiful fabric curtain that you can easily open when needed, and then close at night. It is not good feng shui to lie in bed and see into your bathroom. This is true for every bedroom in your home that is adjacent a bathroom, even if it is small bathroom.


Add your birth element in your love corners. You are most comfortable with your own element, so adding representations of your element in your love corner creates ease and harmony for you. A metal type enhances good fortune by adds metal sculpture of partners, a pair of metal items, or a metal wind chime.


You are aware of the love corner in your bedroom, and now in every room of your home. The next step is to open your view to see your entire home. When you face your home and step through your front door, what room is located in the far right-hand corner of the entire building? That is the love corner for your building, and you want to embellish that room's corner just like you embellished the love corner in your bedroom.

If you live in a single family dwelling, it is ideal if the master bedroom is located in the far right-hand corner of your building. The second best choice is the far left-hand corner of your home. The farther into your home that the bedroom is located, the better. The bedroom is the most important room in feng shui for love, romance, relationship, and marriage. You want your bedroom, and especially the master bedroom, to be in quiet and safe place in your home for privacy and to feel safe when you are sleeping.

A bedroom too close to the front door has a sense of the person who lives there not being stable, but instead being ready to go out the door. This is an excellent spot for your guest room but not the master bedroom. Do not place your house guest far into your home, or else you will have a hard time getting your guest to leave. And your child's bedroom is not best in the love corner of the home or else the love that would go into an adult partnership goes into focusing on the child. Do not place your child's bedroom far corners of the home or else they will have power over the adults. Conversely, if your teen or other family is out the door and not home when you want them around, then put their bedroom farther into the home.

The strongest position for the bedroom is far from the front door as possible. You do not want the bedroom in the front part of the home. The front part is for family activities, entertaining, and your social life. You want peace and quiet for your bedroom in the back part of your dwelling. Just remember that a bedroom close to the front door invites infidelity and marriage break ups.

A bathroom located in the love corner of your home is not favorable. In this instance, decorate the bathroom in pink tones and place a plant potted in a pink or red container on the toilet. Hang a piece of art in the bathroom that depicts something in pairs. If forlorn about lack of love over a long period of time, then move.


If you live in an apartment building, condominium, or other residence with more people than your immediate family, that's fine in feng shui. But someone is located in that far right-hand corner of your building. And on each floor, someone is in there creating activity in the building's relationship corner. If it is not you, hope that the current love corner occupants have good feng shui and a clean home. If you see an obvious feng shui lapse, such as dead plants out on their deck or porch, befriend them. It's good to know your neighbors, and feel them out to see if they are open to any feng shui information that will help everyone in the building. Whenever I approach neighbors about feng shui, they are very enthusiastic to hear all about it. I live in San Francisco where feng shui is the norm, but you might be surprised by how many people are open to receiving feng shui information if you approach them in a kind and helpful manner. As a metal type, it is helpful to organize your feng shui information before you present it.


Add diagram that is all of page 71 of Taoist Feng Shui. Change captions under both Irregular and Missing Corner to say love corner and money corner, not marriage relationship gua and Wealth/wind gua respectively.

You've placed conscious attention to the love corner in your bedroom, and then placed conscious attention to the love corner in every room. Then determine what is located in the far right-hand corner of your property. The final step is to really see with your feng shui perception what is going on in the far right-hand corner of your lot. So look in your back yard to see what is out there. This outdoor love corner offers you one more opportunity to make feng shui enhancements to liven up this area.

What is lucky here? Pink flowering plants, fast-growing bamboo, sturdy upright pines, lovely artistic statuary, a sitting area for two such as a bench or other type of furniture that comfortably seats more than one person. Be sure that this corner is not empty and is not a place for garbage. Really think about what would be lucky in your outdoor love corner.


What is very fortunate in a small space is statuary that shows things in pairs. Make sure that when you have items in pairs, or displaying two animals together such as two dolphins, that the scale is matching. You do not want a statue of a larger figure coupled with a smaller weak one.You can always use an outdoor statue of two oxen to match your astrology sign.


If your love corner is filled with a tree, the tree should be healthy. In feng shui, it is luckier to have a tree that stays evergreen and does not lose leaves. Dark areas of the yard can be enhanced with outdoor lights. Play around with different types of outdoor lighting to see which is best for your home décor. Or hang a wind chime or bell from a tree branch to add sound, which will bring energy to this corner. Just make sure that your chimes or bells make a nice sound that you enjoy hearing. No clackety-sounding coconut shells, mobiles made from broken glass, or other sharp shards. You can also hang a windsock or other decorative element, but hang them in pairs and replace them when they are weathered.


The love corner is the perfect area for entertaining and socializing. Most types of outdoor seating is great here. Be sure that there is comfortable seating for at least two people. No lone rocking chair or seat for only one person. If you live in a climate that is not good for year-round outdoor activities, a stone love seat is lovely in this area. Perhaps decorate it with two stone birds or some other type of enhancement. Then when it snows, your decorated stone love seat will still be out there, holding the space for relationship.


Obviously, open garbage cans or gravel in this area offer nothing. Don't be like the woman who complained about lack of love and resigned herself to having her dog be her partner. In the far-right corner of her yard was an old broken down dog house that was there when she moved in years ago. It was the place where her dog would go when she was too tired to walk him. She recycled the wood from the beat-up dog house, cleaned out the dog mess, brought in some soil, and landscaped a little garden out there to enhance her love energy. She started to walk her dog more frequently, and met a man while out walking her dog. So no area of your yard is so far gone that it cannot be transformed to a lovely spot for love.


What to plant in your love corner garden? What will grow well? Walk around the block and observe which plants grew the best in your area. It's easy to determine which plants will grow well in your micro-climate by simply noticing which plants thrive and which do not grow well. The woman with the dog loved the big flowering snowball plants (viburnum) that grew like weeds in her neighborhood. She put in two big purple snowball plants as the central focus of her garden. Her yard appeared to be twice the size, as if she moved to another home. Now she laughs about the dilapidated dog house that even her dog wouldn't enter, and the dried dog droppings that definitely were not good feng shui in any relationship corner.


Another fun and creative feng shui idea is to add a fire pit in your love corner. Single or married, this will add fire to your relationship dynamics. Be sure that the fire area has comfortable seating for a least two people. Of course make sure it is safe, especially if you have small children, but an outdoor fire pit is the perfect place for an outdoor snuggle. Any type of fire pit, outdoor grill, ceramic oven, or other heating device adds the desired stimulation that fire brings.


Many city dwellers do not have an outdoor love corner. Instead, their building shares a wall with a neighbor, or there just is no space. In this instance, all the more reason to focus on your love corner in your bedroom, and the love corner in every room of your home. Even in a studio apartment, your love corner is easy to locate and embellish with feng shui enhancements. But if you have even the tiniest outdoor love corner, clean it out if it has broken glass or other debris. Then find a creative way to make a feng shui enhancement, such as painting two hearts in that location. Keep your eye on it to be sure that garbage does not collect there.


Re-examine with new eyes the love corners of your rooms, building, and lot. You might be surprised by what your find! If you wonder what would be best, or where to start with your outdoor lot, it is can be beneficial to add love corner feng shui enhancements based on your personal element.

As a metal type, you do best with an organized yard with no clutter. Add a sleek sculpture or things in pairs that are balanced. A metal tool shed is fine if you keep it organized and place items in pairs with attention to matching and balance.


As you know, your love corner of each room is located in the far RIGHT-hand corner from the entry. But the money corner of each room is located in the far LEFT-hand corner from the entry. This corner represents money, prosperity, abundance, your cash flow, and financial state. This is where you focus to increase your wealth, understand your finances, enjoy affluence, open doors to financial opportunity, and experience luck and fortune.

Money and wealth so strongly influence, even control, our lives. Learn how to embellish your money corner, and then stay financially balanced. No need to overspend without regard for consequences, and no need to hoard or scrimp. Balance is key.

One way to develop money consciousness is to go one full day and do not spend any money at all. No cash or ATM cards pass through your hands for 24 hours. Buy nothing when you are out on the street, even if family members, friends, or colleagues encourage you to do so. You might start to get an idea of how you handle money, or if money is handling you.


How many rooms in your dwelling? That's how many money corners are in your home, and every money corner can be transformed with feng shui to create wealth, prosperity, and abundance. A one-room home has only one money corner, but a home with many rooms has many money corners, one in each room. More rooms just mean more corners to improved finances. Just like you can consciously enhance your love corners, you can also enhance your money corners for increased finances, success, and material security.

People often get them mixed up, so remember that every far LEFT-hand corner from the entry of a room is your money corner. Every far RIGHT-hand corner is your love corner.


Every room of your home or office has a money corner, but the most important room for wealth is your living room. Start in your living room because the living room is where action, movement, and conversation are strongest. In feng shui, this is a "yang" room, meaning masculine and active. Start your feng shui money journey by standing at the entry of your living room. Then observe what is in your far left-hand money corner.

To start, there must be no clutter in your money corner! New financial opportunities cannot enter if this area is full of stuff, clutter, and piles of papers. Bankruptcy? Money problems? Look at what you have stuffed in the money corners of your living room, every room of the home, your office, building, and outdoor lot. It starts to make sense when you put the pieces together.


Your money corner is not your love corner. Candles, a fireplace, a heater, or other fire feature are great in your love corner for passion - but are a disaster in your money corner because it as if fire is burning your money! If you have candles in your money corner, remove them immediately. If you have no options about a fireplace in this corner, place three (or nine if there is room) healthy house plants at the base of the fireplace to calm the fire energy. Be sure to chose plants with full round or lush leaves such as a peace lily, jade plant, or philodendron.

And no mirrors in the wealth corner. A common feng shui solution to balance a big fireplace is to hang a mirror over the fireplace. This controls fire with water because mirrors represent water in feng shui. But mirrors are not good in your money corner! Money comes in, but then goes (is reflected) right out. You cannot get ahead because expenses rise to meet any increased income. If you have a mirror in your money corner, take it down and hang it elsewhere. A mirror is desirable in your love corner but not here.


Your Chinese astrology sign offers insights about how you handle money and how you like to spend it. You were born in the year of the Ox, so Ox you desire security and stability. Most Oxen are not materialistic; kind Ox just wants to be safe. And Ox should be rewarded for hard work and dedication. No need to overspend on clothing or jewelry because comfort is key for an Ox. You are content in casual clothing and practical recycled fabrics like cotton and hemp. Conservative and casual is fine for the Ox, but don't be sloppy.


To get started in your money corner, add the colors of wealth - red, purple, gold, (and green) - which are perfect for your money corner. Decorate with these colors in the money corners of your home and office. Red curtains in the living room bring money and success because red is such a powerful color in feng shui. Pink is recommended for love, but red, purple, and gold are recommended for finances.


An indoor fountain is an excellent addition to your money corner. In feng shui, water symbolizes money so adding water is considered very fortunate for increased wealth. Be sure your fountain is in good working order. You do not need to keep it turned on all the time, but be sure that it does operate properly when turned on. Like a fountain in your love corner, be sure that you have smooth rocks or crystals and no sharp pointy stones. If you must chose which corner to place your indoor fountain, the money corner is better than the love corner. The bigger the fountain, the better the money, so a three-tiered fountain is very lucky for increased wealth. Be sure the tiers are not made of jagged stones, but smooth stones, or a fountain with three round tiers. Round and soft is better because we do not want anything pointy or spiky in feng shui home décor. The water should flow upwards, not directed away from the home.


In feng shui, water is money. Water is a universal symbol of life, wealth, and abundance. Throughout history, civilizations flourished wherever we humans lived by a river or other body of water. That is why adding a fishbowl or aquarium is lucky in feng shui to enhance wealth. You've probably noticed well-maintained aquariums in Chinese restaurants, banks, and other businesses because of the money-enhancing qualities of water.

And in that water live healthy colorful fish. A fish tank with a pump for moving water is luckier than a fish bowl with water that does not move. It is most fortunate to have an odd number of fish. Nine is a powerful number is feng shui because it is the highest single-digit number. Eight red and one black fish are very lucky, but any combination of fish will do. But as soon as a fish dies, replace it immediately.

Fish are living things and require your attention. If you use them in feng shui, truly be prepared to lovingly tend your fish as members of your family. If you cannot devote time and love to your pet fish, get an indoor fountain instead. Years ago, I started small with a fishbowl of three red goldfish as pets for feng shui enhancement in my wealth corner. I tended them very well and they grew so large that I got an aquarium for them. When they outgrew the aquarium, I released them into a coi pond at my friend's home out in the country in Bolinas, not far from where I live in San Francisco. Since then I have not kept any fish because being a Pisces Sheep and a sensitive I have such a "green thumb" for fish that I know they will soon outgrow any container I have for them. Now I enjoy a beautiful Chinese scroll painting of fish instead of the real things.


Dogs are also animals of prosperity in feng shui. As much as you might love cats, they are not considered lucky in feng shui whereas dogs are. Wealthy cities always have many dogs. Dogs bring money and protect it too. If you have an outdoor doghouse, it is best to keep it centered along the fence in the back of the yard so money does not escape. Dogs are free to go anywhere in front of or in your house, but the doghouse should be in the backyard.

Dogs must be tame. Period. Your dog should not jump up to greet visitors when they enter your home. The first thing to address is that your dog must be trained. In Chinese culture, people must be educated and animals must be tamed. If you cannot devote the time, patience, and energy to training a dog, then do not have a dog as your pet. This is a serious feng shui rule. Dogs must obey commands, not run off and get lost. It is up to you to handle your animal. If your finances are chaotic and your dog is not tame, work with a dog trainer or find a community center to bring your dog for instruction. If you adopt a rescue dog, which is good karma, arrange for obedience training at the time of adoption.


Both birds and fish represent wealth so birds are also desired in feng shui. It is best to keep birds in pairs so they will not be lonely when you aren't home. If you keep birds in your love corner they certainly must be a pair. But unless you are a bird person or have a knack for birds, this might not be best for you. It is fortunate to have a pet bird whose color matches your birth year element. You are a metal type so a white bird is best for you.

Another choice is to have a bird in the color of your birth season. If you were born in spring, have a green bird. If born in summer, a red or orange bird. If born in autumn, a white bird. If born in winter, a blue or black bird.


Crystals are powerful feng shui enhancements wherever they are placed because they add energy, light, and vitality. It's fine to add crystals in your wealth corner, or to hang a crystal on a nine inch or multiple of nine inches red cord in this area. Colored natural crystals are also fortunate, such as amethyst.


Mobiles create motion and add energy to an indoor room. Just like in your love corner, a mobile circulates energy in lifeless areas where there is little motion. If you would like to add a mobile to your money corner, use one in colors of money such as red, purple, or gold.


The money corner is the perfect spot for a picture of abundance. Pictures of a golden Buddha, a lush waterfall, or fishermen with nets bursting with fish are all symbols of money and prosperity. Be creative; fertile landscapes and blooming flowers are good. Remember, no abstract or chaotic art, and hang all art balanced at your eye level.


Flowers and lush plants with round leaves, such as a jade plant or rubber tree, are also positive embellishments in your money corner, just like they are in your love corner. A bouquet of fresh flowers is excellent to add beauty, fragrance, and luck, but be sure to remove the flowers when they lose energy and begin to wilt. Remember no dead or dried flowers, and no potpourri which is dead. Silk flowers are superb in feng shui so you can add a big bunch of silk flowers to your money corner in a red vase or other lucky money color such as purple, gold, or green.

Bamboo is especially lucky in feng shui because as it grows, the new growth is stronger and longer. Bamboo sways gently in the wind, meaning that it is easily adaptable to change. But be sure your bamboo does not dry out and become yellowed. You don't want a yellowed withered stalk falling out of a glass container. If you have bamboo, keep it watered and transfer it to a larger container when it outgrows the container it was in when you bought it.


Your television, entertainment center, music area or computer can be fortunate in your money corner because they use electrical energy which adds power. A computer in this corner can be a source of updated financial information, and where you maintain your financial records. So it's fine to have electrical items in your money corner. But add embellishments such as the color red.


In your business, if possible locate your cash register in your money corner. Place a red cloth under your cash register, and do not position your cash register so that your back is to your customers when you take their money.


Most people go overboard with embellishments in their money corner, but do edit down so this corner is not overwhelming with color and costly objects while the rest of the room is either bare or cluttered. Strive to have a lovely money corner, but in balance. In my money corner in my living room. I have a large healthy ficus tree that is six feet tall. Everyone calls this my money tree. The ceilings are tall in my home that the tree still has plenty of room for growth.

If your house plant gets to large that it hits the ceiling and starts to bend over, then new growth is not possible because there is just no more room. So trim back the top or place the plant in another environment where it can continue to grow, and then get a new plant.

I also have a ceramic dragon head hung on a red braided cord to decorate the wall. Next to the tree is a lamp so the money corner can have light and not be in darkness. I don't keep the light on all the time, but it is useful when needed. So three items: lush tree in a red pot, a decorative dragon head on a red braided cord, and a standing lamp fill the space nicely yet are not so much stuff that the money corner is over crowded and imbalanced.


No paper shredder! Put it away where it is not seen, and whatever you do, do not place your paper shredder in your money corner. Obviously, the symbolism is that you are shredding your money.

No pets except fish or birds! No dogs or cats in your money corner. Small fish and birds are fine, but if your pet's bedding or comfy spot is in your money corner, be prepared to spend on costly veterinary bills.

No Ventilation, fan, or an air-conditioning unit. This is not good placed in your money corner because it blows away your money. If you must have a wall or floor vent here, tie red ribbons to the vent so that they will blow when the vent is on. Red or purple ribbons also work when attached to fans or air conditioning units.

No cacti or dead plants, just like you don't want them in your love corner. And for money, definitely no dwarfed bonsai.

And no exercise equipment! It's as of you work too hard for the money, and no one wants that.


But what if your money corner is missing altogether from your living room, or any room in your home? You can't add mirrors to open the space like you can in your love corner. Add the color red to the area closest to where your money corner should be.

Often, when a corner is missing in a home, there is extra area outdoors where the money corner would be if it was not missing from the interior. Use this outdoor space for lighting, a fountain, a bird bath, a big lush tree that does not lose its leaves in winter, a moving sculpture, or other outdoor feng shui embellishments.


Your bedroom is the next room to determine the far left-hand money corner and then embellish with items that enhance money. If you have a dresser here, it has the added bonus of providing a flat surface to place a jewelry box, lucky personal charms, and other lucky-for-money objects like a golden piggy back. Be sure to organize the contents of your dresser drawers and keep the drawers fully shut. You can keep your wallet on your dresser too.

I have a standing lamp in my bedroom money corner, a dresser, and over the dresser is hung a large piece of art that depicts the eight auspicious symbols of the Buddha. The symbols are beautiful and soothing to me, and on a green background which looks very rich. The dresser top is embellished with items that enhance wealth: a gold brocade decorative cloth is on the dresser; on the cloth is a vase of silk roses, a picture in a gold frame of the Hindu elephant god Ganesh the remover of obstacles, colored crystals in the shape of eggs, a valuable antique carving of a Sheep which is my astrology sign, and an orchid in a green vase. In front of the Ganesh image is a fake one million dollar bill that a friend gave me for a birthday and is humorous. There's not too much stuff and the corner looks decorated while still being pretty and interesting. When I want to focus on finances, I simply turn on the lamps in both my bedroom and living room money corners.

Ganesh, an carving of a Sheep, and Buddhist symbols may not be how you would ever decorate your money corner, so find objects that you love and that you want to see every day. Remember that what is in your bedroom matters; it's what you see first thing when you awake and the last thing you see before you fall asleep so it does influence your mood and outlook. Make your bedroom as inviting as possible, and don't neglect that money corner.


If you don't have much room in your money corner, add a lamp or hang a piece of art that is lucky for money. No art that depicts a nature scene in the money corner - but the wrong season. Autumn leaves falling from a tree or a serene winter landscape might be beautiful but are not what we want for abundance and wealth. All landscapes in feng shui should depict lush blooming abundant colorful summer scenes, nature at her most abundant.

The absolute worst art feng shui art in a money corner was done by an American artist who served in the Korean war. He sketched what he saw, and made a print of a child picking rags in a garbage dump. This dismal gray print was hung in the wealth corner of a living room because it cost a lot of money so the owner felt that it deserved to be displayed. This owner was also facing foreclosure on his property. Once he understood that imagery is so very important in feng shui, he removed the picture of the destitute child but kept the silver frame to use for an image of a waterfall. He experienced a financial reversal and now his home is estimated at over one million dollars.


Walk through your home and observe what is in the money corner in each room. They all have a far left-hand corner from the entry, so be aware that every corner is decorated with something to attract money. Be aware of what surrounds you. Soon you'll be observing the far left corner of every room that you enter. When a friend or family member complains to you that they can't make ends meet, look at what is in the money corner of their home. Help them to clean up and then add lucky feng shui money enhancements.


You are aware of your money corner in your living room, and in every room of your home. The next step is to open your view to see your entire home. When you face your home and step through your front door, what room is located in the far left-hand corner of the entire building? That is the money corner for the building, and you want to embellish that corner just like you embellished the money corners in your home.

If you live in a single family dwelling, it is ideal if the master bedroom is located in the far right-hand corner of your building in the love corner. The second best choice is the far left-hand corner of your home in the money corner. If people sleep in the room that is in the money corner of the building, heir activities bring energy that keep this area stimulated. If your home is large and the room located here is not used, then start to use it.

A bathroom located in the money corner of your home is not favorable because money goes down the drain with every toilet flush, every time water goes down a drain. Always keep the toilet seat closed and covers over the drains when not in use. Possible solutions are to decorate the bathroom in colors of money and abundance such as gold and red, place a healthy plant in a red container on the toilet, and affix small circular mirrors from the ceiling over the drains. of the toilet, sink, and bath. If debt keep accruing, then move. In this instance, decorate the bathroom in pink tones and place a plant potted in a pink or red container on the toilet. If debts keep accruing, then move.


It is best to be a saver. Thrift is a virtue in feng shui. But most people are not natural savers. Many are spenders, which is not considered logical in feng shui. Some are givers who justify their spending if it is on others, especially children or grandchildren. Some people are builders who spare no expense to build a business, a collection, or to further their education -- all in pursuit of a goal. Your personal element indicates your spending tendencies.

A metal type is naturally smart with money because metal is best when organized, detail oriented, and highly productive which are all excellent traits for money management. A metal type appreciates the finest things and the best designs. So buy quality, not quantity, in all things. Become a natural minimalist who does not have a lot, but what you do have is superb.


What is in the far left-hand corner of your property? What's out there in your yard? Not everyone has an outdoor area, but if you do, this outdoor corner is an excellent place to add feng shui enhancements to increase your wealth. Adding water in the form of a fishpond, fountain, or birdbath are excellent additions to your outdoor money corner.


A beautiful fishpond can create very fortunate feng shui in your outdoor money corner. Imagine a gorgeous cascading waterfall with giant decorative coi fish! But be aware that fish need much love and attention. It is important that they are in a pond or pool that is large enough for them, and that requires work and dedication to maintain.

A water fountain is also a lucky feng shui enhancement because moving water adds life. A fountain in your wealth corner (or in front of your house) is very lucky for money. Be sure that the fountain is round and constructed with curved lines. A round fountain is always best. Use round rocks, not broken jagged shards. Larger is better, but the fountain must make sense in scale with the surroundings.

If your schedule does not allow time to cultivate fish or maintain a fountain in excellent working order, try an easier alternative such as a bird bath. Be sure that the water is kept clean and not allowed to become overgrown with algae. Moving or circulating water is luckier because it symbolizes a stream of money. But still water is good too since it indicates accumulated and saved wealth.


Adding water to an outdoor wealth corner is superb, but is not always practical in all climates. Other creative solutions are to add mobiles such as colorful wind socks. Fish- shaped windsocks are fortunate because fish are a symbol of money. This is a fun way to add color such as red, gold, purple or green. Or you can add a brass wind chime to generate energy in your outdoor wealth corner. Hang it on a nine inch cord or a multiple of nine inches.


In feng shui, it is considered best to begin each new year with no personal debt. Before Chinese new year, pay off any creditors. This does not include a mortgage or a school loan, but all other personal debt. If you cannot be out of debt by new years, then you are living beyond your means. The Chinese new year is the second new moon after winter solstice, which occurs at the end of January or the beginning to mid February, close to February 5. So let Chinese new year be your goal date every year to have zero debt.


Feng shui is one of eight limbs of Chinese medicine. How can we heal if we are in a cluttered or dirty environment? The other eight limbs are astrology, which is timing; exercise such as chi kung or tai chi; meditation to balance your mind; diet that balances food with the seasons; massage to move the energy in your body; herbology to utilize the healing properties of herbs and plants; and acupuncture to open energy points in the body. It is in the balance of all eight branches where we experience optimal health, harmony, and good fortune.

As an Ox, exercise is important to get you moving, so learning Chinese movement could be the next step for you.


There are many schools of feng shui, but the information in this report is based on the eight tri-grams system taught by His Holiness Grand Master Lin Yun Rinpoche. No compass is required, just the will to focus on areas of the home to create consciousness of what surrounds us, what we live with every day. So be aware of your love and money corners in each room of your home, your building, and lot. Keep love alive by embellishing you love corners, and keep money flowing by embellishing your money corners. Keep a tidy home and do not create clutter. Then review what you have created and refine it to the next level. Start observing your environment wherever you go. Soon you will have a sense of feng shui balance in all environments. Good luck!

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